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aquatic foods

We're building a network of terrestrial aquatic farms
to address the protein supply deficit locally and sustainably

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Better for people, better for the planet

Enhancing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, and promoting climate-smart value chains.


Declining wild catch fish, water scarcity and increasing protein demand in a rapidly changing climate threaten seafood supply as we know it. We are on a mission to produce a healthy protein with minimal carbon footprint.


Our proprietary production system mimics nature in a controlled environment, enabling us to increase fish and shrimps density, while using 90% less water than conventional practices without antibiotics and mangrove destruction.


Today, we're partnering up with Montpellier University to pilot our technology.
Tomorrow, we aim to build a network of carbon neutral seafood farms feeding people locally, sustainably and affordably.


50% of the world’s population depends on aquatic foods for their primary source of protein and essential micronutrients intake. In many places, these cannot be easily replaced by land-based alternatives. We're changing that.

We're hiring !

Contact us to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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